Lourdes Prieto


Massó Canery, Cangas de Morrazo, Galicia. — Image © A. Prieto and E. Hernandis

Check out my latest book!

The Cover of the Book 'Mass Identifications: Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics.

Kling, D., Egeland, T., Tillmar, A., & Prieto, L. (2021). Mass Identifications: Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics. Academic Press.

Some Courses

Some Congress Presentations


Forensics - Spanish

  1. Manual de prueba pericial. Carmen Vázquez Coord. Cap. 6: La prueba de ADN. Prieto L and Carracedo A. 1st edition. D.R. © Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, Ciudad de México 2022.
  2. Prieto, L., Ruiz, Y., Hernandis, E., Carracedo, A. (2021).Valoración de la prueba de ADN en las identificaciones a gran escala de personas desaparecidas
  3. Fuentes, M., Prieto, L., Cardoso, S., & Intriago, M. (2020). Metodología para la revisión y control de calidad de análisis genéticos en los procesos de identificación masiva de víctimas: la experiencia en Chile. Revista Española de Medicina Legal, 46(2), 75-80.
  4. Interpretando la Genética Forense (2019).
  5. Carracedo A., Alonso A., Prieto L. Recomendaciones para el uso correcto del análisis de ADN con finalidades forenses. Grupo de trabajo Fide-Fundación Garrigues. 19 de marzo de 2019.
  6. Prieto L., Carracedo A. El valor de la prueba de ADN. En: Genética Forense: del Laboratorio a los tribunales. Manuel Crespillo y Pedro Barrio Eds. Ediciones Díaz de Santos. Madrid 2019.
  7. A. Carracedo y L. Prieto, Más allá del efecto CSI: claves para una buena comunicación de la genética forense. Mètode Science Studies Journal (2018). DOI: 10.7203/metode.9.10628
  8. Prieto L. y cols., Valoración e interpretación de perfiles genéticos problemáticos. Monográfico Genética forense. Boletín Galego de Medicina Legal y Forense (2014) 20: 87-97.
  9. Carracedo A. y Prieto L., Valoración de la prueba genética. En: María Casado y Margarita Guillén (Coords.), ADN Forense: problemas éticos y jurídicos, Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona, Colección de Bioética, 2014, p145, ISBN 978-84-475-3794-5.
  10. Prieto L. y Carracedo A., “La valoración estadística de la prueba de ADN para juristas”. En Cabezudo Bajo, M.J. (Dir.), Las bases de datos policiales de ADN. ¿Son realmente una herramienta eficaz en la lucha contra la criminalidad grave nacional y transfronteriza? DNA Police databases. Are they a truly effective tool in the fight against national and crossborder serious crime? Ed. Dykinson, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-9031-558-3.
  11. GHEP y EMPOP (2011). Avances en el análisis de ADN mitocondrial con fines forenses: la colaboración GHEP-EMPOP. Artículo no publicado.
  12. Galera V., López-Palafox J., Prieto L. Antropología Forense. En: Para entender la Antropología Biológica. Rebato, Susanne y Chiarelli (Coords.), Ed. Verbo Divino 2005, ISBN:978-84-8169-666-0. Sin acceso gratuito.
  13. Prieto L., “Aplicaciones forenses del ADN”. Ponencia en el curso: Nuevas Técnicas de Investigación del Delito: Intervenciones corporales y ADN. Centro de Estudios Jurídicos, 2004, pp. 1872-1889.

Forensics - French

  1. Galera V., López-Palafox J., Prieto L. Tittle: Anthropologie légale, in Anthropologie Biologique. Èvolution et Biologie Humaine, Esther Rebato, A.B. Chiarelli. De Boeck, Université Ed. Bruxelles, 2003. ISBN 2804139670. Edited in Spanish in 2005.

Forensics - English

  1. Green, P. J., Mortera, J., & Prieto, L. (2021). Casework applications of probabilistic genotyping methods for DNA mixtures that allow relationships between contributors. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 52, 102482. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.12688.
  2. Vullo, C. M., Catelli, L., Rodriguez, A. A. I., Papaioannou, A., Merino, J. C. Á., Lopez-Parra, A. M., ... & Parsons, T. (2021). Second GHEP-ISFG exercise for DVI:“DNA-led” victims’ identification in a simulated air crash. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 53, 102527.
  3. Barrio, P. A., García, Ó., Phillips, C., Prieto, L., Gusmão, L., Fernández, C., ... & Mosquera, A. (2020). The first GHEP-ISFG collaborative exercise on forensic applications of massively parallel sequencing. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 49, 102391.
  4. Saragoni, V. G., Celis, R. C., Intriago, M., Melillán-Sanzana, A. A., Reyes, P., Prieto, L., & Gill, P. (2020). Overcoming the undetected inhibition of bone DNA extracts obtained by total demineralization. Forensic Science international. Genetics, 48, 102363-102363.
  5. Gaag, K. J. V. D., Desmyter, S., Smit, S., Prieto, L., & Sijen, T. (2020). Reducing the number of mismatches between hairs and buccal references when analysing mtDNA heteroplasmic variation by massively parallel sequencing. Genes, 11(11), 1355.
  6. Prieto, L., Alonso, A., & Carracedo, A. (2020). Education and training for the judiciary: The Spanish initiative. Forensic science international. Genetics, 46, 102267.
  7. Prieto, L., Gill, P., & Bleka, Ø. (2019). How to avoid driving DNA caseworkers crazy: CaseSolver, an expert system to investigate complex crime scenes. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 7(1), 92-94.
  8. Desmyter, S., Dognaux, S., Noel, F., & Prieto, L. (2019). Base specific variation rates at mtDNA positions 16093 and 16183 in human hairs. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 43, 102142.
  9. Bleka Ø., Prieto L., Gill P. CaseSolver: An investigative open source expert system based on EuroForMix.Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019): 83-92.
  10. Carracedo A., Prieto L. Beyond the CSI effect. The keys to good forensic genetics communication. Mètode Science Studies Journal (2018). University of Valencia. DOI: 10.7203/metode.9.1062
  11. Alves C., Pereira R., Prieto L., et al. Species identification in forensic samples using the SPInDel approach: A GHEP-ISFG inter-laboratory collaborative exercise. Forensic Science International: Genetics 28 (2017): 219–224.
  12. Amorim A., Crespillo M., Luque JA., Prieto L., Garcia O., Gusmão L., Aler M., Barrio P.A., Saragoni V., Pinto N. Formulation and communication of evaluative forensic science expert opinion – A GHEP-ISFG contribution to the establishment of standards. Forensic Science International: Genetics (2016), accepted
  13. Vullo CM., Romero M., Catelli L., Šakić M., Saragoni VG., Jimenez Pleguezuelos MJ., Romanini C., Anjos Porto MJ., Puente Prieto J., Bofarull Castro A., Hernandez A., Farfán MJ., Prieto V., Alvarez D., Penacino G., Zabalza S., Hernández Bolaños A., Miguel Manterola I., Prieto L., Parsons T., GHEP-ISFG collaborative simulated exercise for DVI / MPI: lessons learned about large-scale profile database comparisons. Forensic Science International: Genetics 21 (2016): 45-53.
  14. Alves C., Pereira R., Prieto L., Amorim A., Pereira F., Results of the GHEP-ISFG collaborative exercise for the taxonomic identification of samples using the SPInDel method. Forensic Science International Geneteics Suplement Series 5 (2015): e1184-e185.
  15. Prieto L. et al., Euroforgen-NoE collaborative exercise on LRmix to demonstrate standardization of the interpretation of complex DNA profiles. Forensic Science International: Genetics 9 (2014): 47-54.
  16. Prieto L. et al., GHEP-ISFG Proficiency Test 2011: Paper challenge on evaluation of mitochondrial DNA results. Forensic Science International Genetics (2013) 7 (1):10-15.
  17. Salas A. Et al., A cautionary note on switching mitochondrial DNA reference sequences in forensic genetics. Forensic Science International Genetics (2012) 6: e182-e184.
  18. Gill P. et al., DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics: Recommendations on the evaluation of STR typing results that may include drop-out and/or drop-in using probabilistic methods. Forensic Science International Genetics (2012) 6: 679-688.
  19. Freire-Aradas A. et al., A new SNP assay for identification of highly degraded human DNA. For. Sci. Int. Genetics (2012) 6 (3): 341-349.
  20. Montesino M. and Prieto L. Capillary Electrophoresis of Big-Dye Terminator Sequencing Reactions for Human mtDNA Control Region Haplotyping in the Identification of Human Remains. In: Methods in Molecular Biology (2012), Humana Press 830: 267-281. Not freely available.
  21. Prieto L. et al. The GHEP–EMPOP collaboration on mtDNA population data—A new resource for forensic casework. For. Sci. Int. Genetics (2011) 5 (2):146-151.
  22. Pereira L. et al., PopAffiliator: Online calculator for individual affiliation to a major population group based on 17 autosomal STR genotype profile. Int. J. of Legal Medicine (2011) 125 (5): 629-636. Not freely available.
  23. Catelli L. et al., Common mitochondrial DNA haplogroups observed in an argentine population database sample. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series (2009) 2: 329–330.
  24. Phillips C. et al., Ancestry analysis in the 11-M Madrid bomb attack investigation. Plos One (2009) 4 (8): e6583.
  25. Gusmão L. et al., Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on an X-STR Decaplex. Forensic Science International Genetics Supplement Series (2008) 1 (1): 677- 679.
  26. Prieto L. et al., 2006 GEP-ISFG collaborative exercise on mtDNA. Reflections about interpretation, artefacts, and DNA mixtures. Forensic Science International Genetics (2008) 2 (2): 126-133.
  27. Goios A. et al., Specificity of mtDNA-directed PCR – influence of NUMT contamination in routine samples and techniques. International Journal of Legal Medicine (2007) 122 (4): 341-345. Not freely available.
  28. Montesino M., et al., Analysis of body fluid mixtures by mtDNA sequencing: an inter-laboratory study of the GEP-ISFG working group. Forensic Science International (2007) 168 (1): 42-46.
  29. Crespillo M. et al., Results of the 2003-2004 GEP-ISFG collaborative study on mitochondrial DNA: focus on the mtDNA profile of a mixed semen-saliva stain. Forensic Science International (2006) 160 (2-3): 157-67.
  30. Salas A. et al., Mitochondrial DNA error prophylaxis: assessing the causes of errors in the GEP’02-03 proficiency testing trial. Forensic Science International (2005) 148 (2-3): 191-198.
  31. Prieto L. et al., Measuring by fragment analysis the proportion of length variants in samples carrying length heteroplasmy at the homopolymeric C-stretch in mitochondrial HVII region. In: Progress in Forensic Genetics 10, Ed. C. Doutremepuig & N. Morling. Elsevier (2004). ICS1261: 103-105. Not freely available.
  32. Gusmão L. et al., Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on the Y chromosome STRs GATA A10, GATA C4, GATA H4, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460 and DYS461: population data. Forensic Science International (2003) 135 (2): 150-157.
  33. Sánchez-Diz P. et al., Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on two Y-STR tetraplexes GEPY I (DYS461, GATA C4, DYS437 and DYS438) and GEPY II (DYS460, GATA A10, GATA H4 and DYS439). Forensic Science International (2003) 135 (2): 158-162.
  34. Prieto L. et al,. The 2000-2001 GEP-ISFG Collaborative Exercise on MtDNA: Assessing the cause of unsuccessful mtDNA PCR amplification of hair shaft samples. Forensic Science International (2003) 134: 46-53.
  35. Rodríguez-Monge A. et al., MtDNA control region polymorphism: sequence database and forensic applications. In: Progress in Forensic Genetics 9, Ed. B. Brinkmann y A. Carracedo. Elsevier Science (2003). Amsterdam. ICS1239: 521-524. Not freely available.
  36. Prieto L. et al., Screening cystic fibrosis deletion ΔF508 in two ancient basque populations. In: Progress in Forensic Genetics 7, Ed. B. Olaisen , B. Brinkmann y P.J. Lincoln. Elsevier Science (1998) B. V. Amsterdam. pp. 454-457. Not freely available.
  37. Arroyo E. et al., Polymorphism analysis of the VNTR locus D17S5 in Central Spain. International Journal of Legal Medicine (1996) 109 (2): 98-99. Not freely available.
  38. Herrera M. et al., Frequency data on the loci LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8 and GC in a population resident in Madrid city (Spain). In: Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics 6, Ed. A. Carracedo, B. Brinkmann y W. Bär. Springer-Verlag (1996). Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 547-549. Not freely available.
  39. Asperilla C. et al., Worldwide distribution of D1S80 polymorphism. Comparison of genetic distances and cluster analysis. In: Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics 6, Ed. A. Carracedo, B. Brinkmann y W. Bär. Springer-Verlag (1996) Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 495-497. Not freely available.
  40. Arroyo E. et al., Frequency multivariate analysis of LCLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8 and GC in 12 different populations. In: Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics 6, Ed. A. Carracedo, B. Brinkmann y W. Bär. Springer-Verlag (1996) Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 492-494. Not freely available.
  41. Andradas J. Et al., Identification of human remains using DNA amplification, en Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics 6, Ed. A. Carracedo, B. Brinkmann y W. Bär. Springer-Verlag (1996) Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 258-260. Not freely available.
  42. Prieto L. et al., A multiplex amplification approach for simultaneous typing of five loci in DNA of ancient basque populations. In: Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics 6, Ed. A. Carracedo, B. Brinkmann y W. Bär. Springer-Verlag (1996) Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 204-206

Bee Pathology

  1. Garrido-Bailón E. et al., The prevalence of the honey bee brood pathogens Ascosphaera apis, Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius in Spanish apiaries determined with a new multiplex PCR assay. Microbial Biotechnology 6 (2013):731-739.
  2. Garrido-Bailón E.et al., The prevalence of Acarapis woodi in Spanish honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Exp. Parasitol. (2012) 132 (4): 530-536. Not freely available.
  3. Martín-Hernández R. et al., Microsporidea infecting Apis Mellifera: coexistence or competition. Is N. ceranae replacing N. apis? Environmental Microbiology (2012) 14 (8): 2127-2138. Not freely available.
  4. Antúnez K. et al., Immune-suppression in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) following infection by Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia). Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology (2009) 11(9): 2284-2290. Not freely available.
  5. Plischuk S. et al., South American native bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) infected by Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia), an emerging pathogen of honey bees (Apis mellifera). Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports (2009) 1(2): 131-135. Not freely available.
  6. Martín Hernández R., et al., (2007) The outcome of the colonization of Apis mellifera by N. ceranae and Species Diversity in Nosemosis Diagnosed by Multiplex PCR Assay. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology (2007) 73 (20): 6331-6338.